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Food for stray cats extremely needed!

Updated: Oct 7, 2022

We received total of 16 LARI donation during the last food drive and the cost to feed all the stray cats in our feeding stations twice a day is 115 USD a week. We are tightening our belts as usual at Tray4Stray but we have to feed these adorable animals who are depending on us for their survival. We have already provided nearly 30,000 trays of food for cats alone since February of 2021 (we also feed dogs). We are not going to stop now just because we are struggling to find food donation. Our motto at Tray4Stray: If we eat, they (stray animals) eat!

Nikita Ana Bell, is only 5 months old and she was recently spayed and received rabies vaccine and will need her first complex vaccination soon. She was released the other day to reunite with her mom and friends in a "not so friendly to cat neighborhood" but we have no place to relocate them at the moment.

But guess what? WE, at are their protectors and we will continue to fight for their safety and well-being. Also, we will make sure that they all survive the harsh weather condition this winter like last year. We have a few friends who will not let them suffer and will not let us down and we are extremely grateful for their compassion and generosity.

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