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Food Drive on Tbilisoba

Tbilisoba is an annual celebration in the Georgian capital, Tbilisi. Having delicious traditional Georgian food, listening to music and spending time with friends and family is what brought many people out on the first weekend of October.

Here at Tray4Stray we thought there was something we could add to this celebration, Nina and Katya, the two adorable kittens! We decided to find a quiet spot to set up, and take the opportunity to talk to the public about our mission.

We had conversations with local people, as well as tourists and expats who are visiting and living here in the city. It was wonderful to see people's faces when they saw Nina and Katya, and to be able to meet people who truly care about animals and want to do their part to help was inspirational.

After a busy afternoon socialising, Nina and Katya were ready for some rest and it was wonderful to see the smiles that they put on so many faces. They are still up for adoption, if anybody is interested please contact us, and any other inquiries we are always happy to hear from you!

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